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VI editor basics

VI is a terminal editor tool, there are many other editors but is available on both Alpine and Ubuntu . And most importantly I am used to VI.

If you are a beginner, there are some basic commands you will need to know.

Action command notes
Create/ Edit file vi filename.txt run this from the same folder the file is located. If its in a different folder, use the relevant path to the file
insert mode i When you open a file with VI, you cannot edit the file. To edit enter i to insert in command mode. You now can type to make changes.
save and exit esc :x Once edits are complete, press esc to enter the command mode. The :x to save and exit
exit without saving esc :q! To not save the file, press esc to enter the command mode. The :q! to exit
Copy selection left mouse click to copy , right mouse click to paste Left click and drag selection, right click to paste

There are many more that you can use, but with these basics you should be able to perform the tasks required in this Lab setup guide.