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Install Alpine OS on VM alpine1

Key information

Alpine Default login
login : root
password : blank

Hyper-V configuration for reference

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Alpine install ISO first boot

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Disable IPv6 on Alpine

In my setup IPv6 was not working.When downloading files IPv6 was used and delayed/errored out. If you have issues with IPv6, do disable before proceeding.

Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf

vi /etc/sysctl.conf
# Manualy type in the following
# press [i] to be in insert /edit mode

net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
# to save and exit following key press
# [esc] :x! [enter]

# reload the configuration
sysctl -p

Install Alpine

After logging on at the prompt type

You will be asked a series of questions . I have listed my selection.
Keyboard Layout : [us]
Keyboard variant : [us]
Hostname : [alpine1]
Network :
Which one do you want to initialize? [eth0] : <enter>
Ip address for eth0: [dhcp]  # Internet connection
Do you want to do any manual network configuration ? : n
Which one do you want to initialize? [eth1] : <enter>
Ip address for eth1: [] # this is connecting to the other VM's in Hyper-V
gateway: [none]
Do you want to do any manual network configuration ? : n
password : [123]
DNS Servers :
Timezone :[Singapore]
Proxy :[none]
ntp: default [chrony]  #if it takes long to complete , make sure ipv6 is disabled
Mirror :[r] # select random from list 
# if this fails to reach any servers then recheck the network configuration to ensure the 2 networks eth0 and eth1 are configured correctly. press `ctrl+c` to exit and type `ping` to check for connectivity.
setup user : [no]
Which ssh server? [openssh]
allow root ssh login: [yes]
Allow ssh login : [yes]
Which disks would you like to use : [sda]
Disk Mode How would you like to use it ? [sys]
Erase the above disks and continue? [y]

Installation begins.

Once the installation is completed you will see the notice to reboot. Before rebooting, change the boot sequence in Hyper-V for alpine1 to be Hard Drive first.

This will ensure the reboot will be to the Hard Disk. alt text On the apline1 Hyper-V console. the prompt will display press [enter]

installation complete type reboot [enter]

Setup completed

These are the credentials for newly installed alpine1 .

login: root
pass: 123
#in this lab all passwords will be set with 123
This screen will appear , take note of the login prompt 'alpine1'. Indicating the installation is completed.

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Alpine OS install completed

Next step

We will proceed to setup alpine1 as a DHCP server

Please continue with
