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Install and Configure tftpd

tftp is required for PXELINUX boot setup. This is how the initial boot files are retrieved from the remote client.

# create directories
mkdir /srv/tftp/

#install tftpd 
apk update
apk add tftp-hpa

# set nginx to start at boot
rc-update add in.tftpd

# Update in.tftpd configuration
vi /etc/conf.d/in.tftpd
  #change or update row to reflect the path /srv/tftp/

#check in.tftpd  service status
rc-service in.tftpd status

#Start service now
rc-service in.tftpd start

The path /srv/tftp/ is important to note as the subsequent configuration will use this folder as root.

Next step

We will proceed with the cloud-init installation

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