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Setup boot files for PXELINUX

The boot files are separated by the type of Boot process BIOS and EFI Take note the files while have duplicate names, there are separate versions for BIOS and EFI.

If you had followed the steps from 000-ReadMeFirst, you would already have the following files available.

TFTP Directory and content

  • (/srv/tftp/bios) pxelinux.0 ldlinux.c32 menu.c32 libutil.c32 vesamenu.c32 libcom32.c32 pxelinux.cfg\default
  • (/srv/tftp/efi64) ldlinux.e64 syslinux.efi menu.c32 libutil.c32 vesamenu.c32 libcom32.c32 pxelinux.cfg\default

Next step

We will proceed with the preparation of the OS boot files. Continue with
