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Setup Ubuntu OS Boot files

In this section we will perform 2 tasks - Download and mount the ISO Live CD. - Extract the vmlinuz and initrd files from the LiveCD to the tftp folder

Step 1 Download and Mount the ISO.

# lets host the ISO in the folder /iso
mkdir -p /srv/tftp/iso
# Download the ISO
[ ! -f /srv/tftp/iso/ubuntu-20.04.6-live-server-amd64.iso ] && wget -P /srv/tftp/iso

# Create mount folder 
mkdir -p /srv/isoubuntu

# mount the ISO to view contents.
mount -o loop,ro -t iso9660 /srv/tftp/iso/ubuntu-20.04.6-live-server-amd64.iso /srv/isoubuntu
# list content to validate
ls /srv/isoubuntu

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Step 2 Extract vmlinuz and initrd

Run the commands below to extract the boot files.

#create ubuntu folder to store the boot files.
# this way we can have boot files for multple distros if required.
mkdir -p /srv/tftp/ubuntu/casper

# copy files
cp  /srv/isoubuntu/casper/vmlinuz /srv/tftp/ubuntu/casper
cp  /srv/isoubuntu/casper/initrd /srv/tftp/ubuntu/casper

Validate The boot files will be served via http. Do validate if this folder and content is listed.

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Validate if accessible via HTTP

As we have already setup nginx to list directory content. This should be visible via browser.

alt text Click tftp and iso to list the ISO LiveCD.

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Step 2 Extract vmlinuz and initrd

Boot files.

When booting a Server with Linux, there are 2 files required. vmlinuz and initrd at times the version is part of the name depending on Linux flavors

In this example boot files are retrieved from ubuntu-20.04.6-live-server-amd64.iso

Run the commands below to extract the boot files.

#create ubuntu folder to store the boot files.
# this way we can have boot files for multple distros if required.
mkdir -p /srv/tftp/ubuntu/casper

# copy files
cp  /srv/isoubuntu/casper/vmlinuz /srv/tftp/ubuntu/casper
cp  /srv/isoubuntu/casper/initrd /srv/tftp/ubuntu/casper

Validate The boot files will be served via http. Do validate if this folder and content is listed.

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## Next step

At this stage we have made all the required files available for the boot process. Next we will put in the final piece for the setup to function.
