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Install Ubuntu

Step 103-setup-using-ansible would have setup alpine1 to perform the functions required for the Ubuntu Auto install steps.

We now have some manual tasks to create the user-data-mac-address file for each of the Virtual Machines created ( excluding alpine1)

Step 1

Start and stop all the Virtual Machines created.

For the following step, the Virtual Machines created must be started once to generate the mac-address.

From PowerShell ISE open G:\kubernetes-lab\srv\scripts\get-hyperv-startVM.ps1

Click on the Green Play button, this will execute the script.

This will start and then stop all the Virtual Machines . Ensure the Virtual Machine names are not changed.

You can also Start and Stop from the Hyper-V Console.

Step 2

Generate user-data-mac-address file.

For a Kubernetes cluster we will need multiple Virtual Machines. This will require multiple user-data-mac-address files to be created. Here I use PowerShell to generate the files.

From PowerShell ISE open G:\kubernetes-lab\srv\scripts\get-hyperv-VM-mac.ps1

Click on the Green Play button, this will execute the script.

The generated files are in the subfolder .\autoinstall\


From the configuration in step 112 , the Boot sequence is looking up the location.

This is from the following code

APPEND netboot=nfs boot=casper root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= autoinstall 

Copy the files created to the folder

/srv/autoinstall/ on the alpine1 server. The duplicate file with the node name is workaround to show the hostname of the specific file. As I did not find away to identify the hostname using the Ubuntu autoinstall method.


If you recall from 104-setup-nginx, the folder /srv/ was exposed to be visible from All folders created in /srv/ will be listed via the browser.

Copy the files using WSFTP or some other method .

Validate by browsing


// To update Video of Script generation and the Ubuntu setup.

Lessons Learnt

The MAC addresses for a newly created Hyper-V VM is not generated until its started at least once.